Comparative Study on Training and Development on-The City Bank Ltd. Prime Bank Ltd. & Eastern Bank Ltd
Training and Development programs are the basic structural and functional foundations for the development of the employees of any organization. Training and Development are the framework for helping employees to develop their personal and professional skills, knowledge and abilities.
Commercial banking system dominates Bangladesh financial sector. A number of studies have been conducted regarding financial condition of Banking Industry but not so much research has been conducted regarding training and development of employees of banking industry. What type of training they are getting and what type of training should be provided and actually what type of training and development they need.
The essential wellsprings of information have been gathered through an organized poll, developed exceptionally for this report. Meeting with the personnel have done through survey keeping in mind the end goal to talk about the related issues previously setting up the report.
In this study I have been used to collect data from The City Bank Ltd. Prime Bank Ltd. and Eastern Bank Ltd. as the sample and took interview of 60 employees of these 3 banks, 20 from each bank.
After taking interview I have come to know that these three banks provide both on the job and off the job training for their respective employees. Now and then as administrative prerequisites they mastermind preparing for their representatives based on the control.
The first chapter illustrates the Origin, Background, Scope, Limitation, Methodology and objectives. The basic obJective of this report is to prePare a project details to evaluate Training and Development Practices in financial sector measure for ImpRovement of their human resources.
The second chapter of this report provides a overview of three banks, their mission, vision, products and service etc.
The third chapter includes the Literature Review and a discussion on Training and Development.
I have also provided some recommendation at the end of the report in Chapter 4. Banking industry should diversify their training programs rather than focusing on professional training. Training and development program should be flexible and understandable by employees of banks. There must be a clear relation between training effectiveness and strategic goals of the organizations.
- HRM [139]