Overview of Foreign Exchange policy Department at Bangladesh Bank and Its Impact on Reserve and Economy
Bangladesh Bank, the national bank of Bangladesh, was building up in Dhaka after the freedom on sixteenth December in 1971. The Foreign Exchange Policy Department (FEPD) of Bangladesh Bank excels at handling Bangladesh's foreign exchange. The report incorporates the exercises of foreign exchange on the general economy of Bangladesh which in oversaw by the diagramming Foreign Exchange Policy Department at Bangladesh. I have accumulated viable learning about the Foreign Exchange Policy Department through working apathetic segments. This experience has filled in as a genuine showing of work at an association and it has given me the chance to get involvement about the corporate culture which would be a point of reference in my profession. This is a cover the subject "Overview of Foreign Exchange Policy Department at Bangladesh Bank and its Impact on Reserve and Economy" done as a prerequisite of my specialty as a course think about. I am doing my internship at Bangladesh Bank. In this report, I have shared my encounters and discoveries from this entry level position and other related data.
In the report, I have quickly presented the theme, errand dole out as an assistant, criticalness of the examination, technique and has been talked about the Bank profile with brief history and Bank's main goal, vision, vital plans and destinations. The principle body is containing data about Foreign Exchange Policy Department and that is the most essential piece of this report, the genuine assignment part contain data about what undertaking I had done in my internship period and project part containing the data about the improving export service in Bangladesh through Bangladesh bank. At last I have given the discoveries and proposal in view of the experience.
- Finance [264]