Employee Engagement of Dutch Bangla Bank Limited
Employee engagement refers to the commitment and involvement of the workers towards their organization and its values. The main objective of this research is to study the impact of employee engagement on the performance of the employees. Another associated objective is to study the factors affecting employee engagement in an organizational setting. The research tried to explain those factors in managing employee engagement in the context of the chosen organization. This research project is based on employee engagement of Dutch Bangla Bank Limited.
To conceptualize the concept of employee engagement, an extensive literature review was made covering major journals and other publications from the year 2000 to 2020. The review shows that employee engagement is a dominant research area in the field of human resource management. The literature review identifies role congruity, work-life balance, level of motivation, working conditions, relationships with co-workers, and the meaningfulness of the work as the antecedent of employee engagement. Previous researches identify level of motivation, enthusiasm, intention to switch as the consequences of employee engagement.
Since the research is exploratory in nature, a small sample of twelve employees of the aforesaid bank was considered sufficient. Self-administered questionnaires were used in collecting the data from the selected respondents. The questionnaires used various levels of measurement, ranging from nominal to ratio scaled data. Appropriate statistical analyses were conducted based on the research objectives and the nature of the data. The details of the analyses are presented in the finding section of the report.
The analyses of the collected data showed that most of the employees are happy with the safety level in the working environment in the bank. The majority of the employees of the Dutch Bangla Bank Limited were found to perceive the treatment by the bank to be equitable and fair. But most of the respondents were dissatisfied with the bank’s effort to help employees to maintain an acceptable work-life balance.
To ensure employee engagement and employee’s intention to stay, Dutch Bangla Bank Limited should make a comprehensive study underlying employee engagement. The bank must have a clear idea about the consequences of employee engagement and should try to manipulate the factors considered to be antecedents to employee engagement. Research shows that such pro-active attitude toward employee engagement may help the bank to be more productive and efficient.
- HRM [139]