Comparison of Recruitment and Selection Process between Two Banks of Bangladesh
The term “Human Resource Management” is used to define the process of managing human resources of an organization to enhance organizational productivity and profitability. Recruiting and selecting employees, promoting them, developing training programs, designing compensation packages for employees etc. are the responsibilities of HR manager. Among all the HR functions, recruitment and selection is the most crucial task. The success of an organization heavily depends on recruiting and selecting
employees with the required KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities). The purpose of this project report is to identify the recruitment and selection process of two different kinds of banks. This report analyzes the process of recruiting and selecting personnel in BASIC
Bank, a bank owned by the state and BRAC Bank LTD., a private commercial bank. The report aims at determining the actual recruitment and selection process of these two banks along with a comparison of the processes used by the banks, their strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations with regard to how they can improve the process.
- HRM [139]