HRM Practices of BDBL
Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd (BDBL) is a state-owned commercial bank in Bangladesh that operates successfully in the banking industry. This report is based on my internship experience with BDBL. As an intern at a reputable bank like BDBL, I did my utmost to complete HRM Practices in 39 working days. The HRM Practices study is a descriptive report. I used both primary and secondary data. A 39-day period is not enough time to write an accurate report. The study has a number of limitations. Finding out every facet of the bank's HRM practices is really challenging. The vision, mission, goal, target, branch network, and social welfare obligations have all been demonstrated.
There are five different chapters in the report. The relevant material for this report is contained in each chapter. The goal, methodology, sources of data, and limitations of the study are all included in the first chapter, which also serves as an introduction to the report.
The second chapter is the literature review about all different elements of the Human resource practices.
BDBL is the topic of the third chapter. I'll concentrate on the corporate profile here. The vision and mission of Bangladesh Development Bank Limited (BDBL) are stated on their website. The BDBL career. It has a management structure, and all senior and subordinate personnel abide by the bank's policies and procedures. They also described their products and services in this chapter.
The fourth chapter, this chapter is all about the major parts of Recruitment and training process as well as their CSR activities. Chapter five is all about my overall internship activities, observation during my working time and all the challenges that I faced in internship time period. Identify some crucial elements affecting HRM practice in BDBL. I make an effort to include my 39 working days of experience in this section of the report.
In the final section of the sixth chapter, I also included some conclusions and recommendations. and concludes with a positive assessment of the overall report.
- HRM [139]