Analysis of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited Based on Internship Perspective
This report is prepared by the following of Academic Requirement purpose. So, this report is focused on the internship experience gathered during my 2 months long internship period.
Islami Bank is a financial Institution whose status, rules, and procedure, expressly stated its commitment to the principle of Islamic Shariah and to the banning of receipt and payment of interest on any of its operation. It was incorporated as the first shariah based interest free bank in south East Asia on the 13 marches, 1983 as a Public Company with limited liability under the Companies Act, 1913, started limited operation on 30 March, 1983 and introduced a full package of banking services in August, 1983.
Islami Bank does not pay interest to depositor Instead depositors participate in the profitability of the bank. The Bank participates in financing long-term project on the basis of profit-loss sharing instead of granting credit facilities with interest. IBBL also performs various social welfare activities through its subsidiary organ named Islami Bank Foundation (IBF). I enjoy my working period on Islami bank Bangladesh Limited (Nobodoy sub-Branch) because they have great working environment and well-trained employees who always cooperated me in different departmental work.
The First chapter is the introductory potion of this report where I highlight the background, objective, Motivation, Scope and limitation and key terms of the report with proper necessary information.
Second Chapter is concentrated about the Company Analysis and Industry Analysis. IBBL is a financial institution and it is a private limited company but also contributed to the industry sector so here I analyze IBBL from both company and industry perspective. In this chapter I discuss about Company Overview, Trend and Growth, Customer mix, Comparison Between Conventional bank and Islami bank, Operations and SWOT Analysis. Each company have some strength, weakness, opportunity and Threat. So, in this chapter I make a Swot analysis of IBBl which helps reader to understand about company current position. And also provide all related Industry analysis that is required for doing this report.
In Chapter Three, I discuss about my intern experience that I gathered during Two months long internship period at IBBL. This two-month long internship period I work in various department so this chapter I discuss my responsibility, duties in those department during my internship period. Also discuss about my training period before joining the practical work, after join how I Contribution to departmental functions, Skills that applied in my work and new skill that I developed while working as an intern there. Lastly, I write the application of my academic knowledge which I applied during my working period on Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited.
In Fourth Chapter is last chapter of this report. In this report I have tried to analyze Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited based on my work experience. So, in this section I concluded my report and give some recommendations and key facts base on my Internship experience and collect information from a different source.
- Finance [264]