Project Report on “Technology's Role in Banking Industry (Human Resource Management)”
The banking sector is an important part of all business organizations. The growth of a nation's economy is greatly influenced by the banking sector. Numerous operations are maintained in the banking sector with the goal of achieving corporate goals. The Human Resource Management (HRM) is a crucial operation among the banking operations. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the management and maintenance of the employee related tasks and activities in a business organization. The Human Resource Management is discussed properly in the literature review part of this report. Every business organization has the Human Resource (HR) Department for maintaining the employee management activities of that organization. Banking organizations also have the human resource department for maintaining the employee management activities. A number of tasks related to employee management are managed by this department, including recruitment, selection, training, development, and compensation, benefits, rewards, and performance evaluation. The HR department is responsible to monitor and administrate the employees toward the organizational goal. Today, at the modern world, the digitalization positively impacts on the business organizations. Now, the business organizations gain success in the business operations through the information and technology. The banking organizations are also highly benefitted by the information and technology. Every department of the banks are operating their activities by the technology. The Human Resource department of the banks is also managing their operations using the technology. They are now able to maintain their organizational operations effectively and accurately in a short time through the technology. The recruitment and selection, training & development, evaluation of performance, data management, survey management etc. are perfectly done by the technology. The roles of technology in the HRM and in the banking HRM are elaborately discussed here in the project report. The findings and recommendations of the banking HRM are also given in this project report.
- HRM [139]