Internship Report on “Impact of ERP on Energypac’s Performance”
As a part of my internship program, I joined Energypac Electronics Limited on 8thMay 2022. This report focuses on my experiences, learning, and the people I have met and communicated with throughout the full-time internship program at Energypac Electronics Limited. This report covers all the parts from starting to ending the internship at Energypac Electronics Ltd. In these three months, what type of work I was given and how the task, in my view, helped me to learn new skills are given in this report. The main agenda of this report is to give a picture of how the company Energypac Electronics treats an intern and how an intern contributs to the organization. This report covers how to work with colleagues and the interactions with Line managers. I was assigned to work in the Accounts & Finance department. The report also describes my learning experiences and day-to-day tasks during the period. The primary tasks were creating bills, input of collection entry to SAP software, creating money receipt& helping other colleagues and the whole department etc. I believe the best part about Energypac Electronics Limited is their work culture, their office environment and this program allowed me to get used to the work life and how works are done here. I still believe I can further improve my communication, analytical and technical skills before joining a full-time job, especially given how important communication plays in such an organization. Overall, this program will go a long way in understanding where I stand currently and help me improve. Moreover, there are further growth opportunities if I plan to apply for a permanent post at the organization.
- Accounting [252]