Human Resource Management Practices of Rangs Motors Limited.
The report makes an effort to portray the human resource management practices of Rangs Motors Limited. One of the largest corporations in Bangladesh, Rangs Group is headquartered in Tejgaon. Abdur Rouf Chowdhury formed the Rangs Group, which began as a single business unit in 1979 and has since prospered in a number of industries. The Rangs Group company, Rangs Motors Ltd., conducts business in Bangladesh by importing commercial vehicles. It is one of Bangladesh's most vibrant commercial vehicle providers.
I've outlined the organization's HR procedures and duties. A lot of information has been gathered to make this study more helpful from a variety of secondary sources, including publications, newspapers, reference books, and business HR policies. This study is conducted mainly by questionnaires and by taking oral interview of the officials on the basis of questionnaires.
Firstly, the introduction part is discussed. Then the objectives and methodology of the report are discussed. Then the organizational background and industry scenario are discussed. In addition to this, I have explained different human resource practices in the findings and analysis section. Finally, this internship report has put some relevant problems which have been faced during the internship program and also put recommendations regarding those problems and finally drawn conclusion as well.
- HRM [139]