A Comprehensive Study on Work Life Balance Practices in Banking Sector of Bangladesh
The main focus of the analysis is to get the knowledge of work life balance practices in banking organizations. As we know balancing the work is all about maintaining a equivalent on professional works & other non-professional works activities just as life and family. Work life balance programs that are well implemented improve performance and as a result employee satisfaction. It increases employee loyalty with both their work and personal lives. The aim of this study was to know more about banking organizations’ work life balance policies. There are seven parts in this report which has been categorized. The main part depends on the presentation of the report, which includes topics such as the background of the study, the concept of work life balance and problem statement. In the second part, historical background and industry scenario of both bank (Trust Bank Limited and United Commercial Bank) included. The study's objective, scope and limitations has described on chapter three. Chapter four included types of data, data collection process and analysis and also included their scope and limitations. In chapter five basically literature review part where broadly describe the concept of work life balance. Chapter six and seven indicates the data analysis and findings and also summarize of the study with a conclusion.
- HRM [139]